I dont have the strength to stay away from you any more.
Leaving you was the hardest thing I've done in 100 years. I swear, I will never fail you again.
I hope you can (forgive me), because, I honestly don't know how to live without you.
You give me everything just by breathing!!
You can't trust vampires, trust me!!
Edward Cullen!!! The hottest and most desirable and most dangerous predator I have ever loved. The vegetarian vampire. He looks like a normal guy with his own sets of problems, who is passionately in love with a normal girl with her own problems. He is the newest romantic on the horizon. The new Romeo. A masochistic lion fallen heads over heels with a stupid lamb.
*masochist : someone who feels pleasure gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself
But then why is he so fascinating to women?? What is it about such guys that make them attractive to women? Their passion, their 24X7 protectiveness about the girl they love? Their possessiveness? Their pleasure at reciprocation for forbidden love?? All the above?
Men don't approve of such romantic heroes. Whether it is out of pragmatism or jealousy, I would never know. But I have some he-friends who hate Edward, just because their girlfriends love him. I would like to tell these guys, there is nothing to be jealous. In real life girls cringe away from such guys after a few months of courtship. I mean, to go by books, a guy who follows you everywhere, listens to everything you say!! His looks, smell, voice, feel everything is a camouflage. Camouflage to attract the prey. To attract the women. He does not sleep. He can read everyone's mind. And the thought uppermost in his head is that, he wants to kill you!! Thats freaky!!
But then why is he so fascinating to women?? What is it about such guys that make them attractive to women? Their passion, their 24X7 protectiveness about the girl they love? Their possessiveness? Their pleasure at reciprocation for forbidden love?? All the above?
In theory, it is everything of this that just bonds together. In theory, every girl wants to be the complete existence of a guy whom they love back. A guy who will give up his immortality just because he does not want to survive in the world without his sweetheart. A guy who will defy death for her life.
Let me talk for girls first. Let me ask the basic question first. Will any guy do that for a girl only for love - selflessly? I mean if a guy does all this, he expects a lot back, mainly an acknowledgement for his ego that he is the best lover; and that my friends, itself is the most selfish thought. Probably, that is why a girl would never accept such a guy in real life. Because, girls know!! They know that selfless passionate heart-wrenching love is only a fantasy. A fantasy which can be true only on screen or in a book. A fantasy which has to be a fairy tale. A fantasy which can be realized only through Romeo or Edward Cullen. A fantasy which should never become real. If ever a girl sees such a fabulous guy, that very moment two thoughts come to her mind. First thought is a hope. A hope that this guy is the impossible fantasy. Second thought is a doubt. A doubt that this is not going to end well. If it is the first love of her life, she knowingly crushes the latter thought and tucks it in a dark corner for later use. But she knows. She always knows. Ans then, when she sees this sexy vampire on screen, she feels guilty for falling for him. She secretly wishes that her man could be this sensuous, this passionate. And then they feel, that they are cheating the real one by wanting the imaginary and cheating the imaginary by having the real one.
Now let me try to think like men. Every man is at heart as passionate as Edward Cullen. There is always one girl for whom a guy lays down his heart and life. Probably with more ardor than Edward. Edward has all these super-powers and mysteriousness. This man has neither. But then Edward does not have to manage a regular steady salary. He does not need to build a house. He does not need to buy health insurance. He can graduate five hundred times and choose not to attend classes. And of course, his girl is an innocent beauty like Bella. So, of course he can actually afford to spend all his time loving his girl passionately. This regular human cannot do that. He barely gets few hours in a week away from his studies, work and responsibilities. In those few hours he crams in his rest, leisure and romance. One of these things has to take a back-seat every time the other has a priority. And yet, he tries his best and keeps trying. Results - a perpetual headache and a wish for someone who is neither real nor practical. Who would not feel irritated and jealous!! When Bella has a near-death experience, this Edward, who anyway does not seem to have anything to do for eternity, sits with her all through day and night (he has insomnia) and becomes the biggest thing in romance. While the regular husband, works for around twelve hours, drives around for couple of hours and sits with his girl all night just because she suspects she has a fever. How are they comparable?
I think I have said about many more things than I originally intended. Let me conclude by saying, I love Edward. And I think my husband hates him!! So, basically my point is, for all girls who drool over Edward. Go, on!! He is only a fantasy!! No threat!! And for all the guys who hate Edward. Take it easy!! He is only a fantasy!! No threat!!
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